Alumno | Titulo del artículo | Área de especialización | Palabras clave | DOI | Autores | Fecha de publicación |
Arenas Pardo Martín Alberto | Effect of dietary carbohydrates on growth performance, feed efficiency and glucose metabolism in common snook (Centropomus undecimalis) and yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus) juveniles | Nutrición Acuícola | Dietary carbohydrates Glucose metabolism Carnivorous fish species | Ver | Arenas Pardo Martín Alberto, Álvarez-González Carlos Alfonso, Barreto-Altamirano Alvaro Fabricio, Sánchez-Zamora Adolfo, Suárez-Bautista Jaime, Escalante Karla, Cuzón Gerard & Gaxiola Cortés Martha Gabriela (2021). | 23 de mayo 2021 |
Arenas Pardo Martín Alberto | Physiological and metabolic protein-sparing effects of dietary lipids on common snook Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch, 1792) juveniles. | Nutrición Acuícola | Centropomus undecimalis protein-sparing effect Dietary lipid | Ver | Arenas Pardo Martín Alberto, Álvarez-González Carlos Alfonso, Barreto-Altamirano Alvaro Fabricio, Sánchez-Zamora Adolfo, Suárez-Bautista Jaime, Cuzón Gerard & Gaxiola Cortés Martha Gabriela (2021). | 14 de febrero 2021 |
Arenas Pardo Martín Alberto | Evaluation of protein: lipid ratio on growth, feed efficiency, and metabolic response in juvenile yellowtail snapper Ocyurus chrysurus (Bloch, 1791). | Nutrición Acuícola | Ocyurus chrysurus protein-sparing effect Dietary lipid | Ver | Arenas Pardo Martín Alberto, Álvarez-González Carlos Alfonso, Barreto-Altamirano Alvaro Fabricio, Sánchez-Zamora Adolfo, Cuzón Gerard & Gaxiola Cortés Martha Gabriela (2021). | 3 de mayo de 2021 |
Beatriz Yañez Rivera | Regeneration in the stinging fireworm Eurythoe (Annelida): Lipid and triglyceride evaluation. | Ecología | Amphinomidae Energy reserves Malformations | Ver | Yáñez-Rivera B*, Mendez N. | 2014 |
Beatriz Yañez Rivera | Reestablishment of Notopygos megalops McIntosh, description of N. caribea n. sp. from the Greater Caribbean and barcoding of “amphiamerican” Notopygos species (Annelida, Amphinomidae). | Sistemática | Amphiamerican DNA barcoding Pigmentation pattern | Ver | Yáñez-Rivera B*, Carrera-Parra LF. | 2012 |
Carmen Cristina Osuna Martínez | Trace metals in two Geoduck clams (Panopea generosa and P. globosa) exploited for the regional market from two areas of Northwest Mexico | ÁREA I: FÍSICO-MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA | Metals Health Risk Gulf of California | Ver | Osuna-Martínez CC, Bergés-Tiznado ME, Frías-Espericueta MG Valencia-Chávez FJ, Zazueta-Ávila VM, Páez-Osuna F | |
César Alejandro Zamora Barrios | Bioaccumulation of microcystins in seston, zooplankton and fish: A case study in Lake Zumpango, Mexico* | Contaminación acuática | Microcystins Bioaccumulation Chirostoma jordani | Ver | Cesar Alejandro Zamora Barrios, S. Nandini, S.S.S. Sarma | 11 de Marzo de 2019 |
Cristian Espinosa Rodríguez | Allelopathic interactions between the macrophyte Egeria densa and plankton (alga, Scenedesmus acutus and cladocerans, Simocephalus spp.): a laboratory study | Ecología acuática | Allelopathy Life table variables Zooplankton | Ver | Espinosa-Rodríguez, C. A., Rivera-De la Parra, L., Martínez-Téllez, A., Gómez-Cabral, G. C. Sarma, S. S. S. & S. Nandini | 2016 |
Cristian Pacheco Solano | DELIMITING BOUNDARIES BETWEEN SPECIES: EXCAVATING SPONGES CLOSE TO CLIONA MUCRONATA (DEMOSPONGIAE) | Sistematica/Taxonomía | Caribbean Eastern Tropical Pacific Molecular taxonomy | Ver | C. Pacheco, J. L. Carballo, J. A. Cruz-Barraza, C.H.L. Schönberg, B. Calcinai | 17 de julio del 2020 |
Daniela Cortés Guzmán | Benthic macroinvertebrates of tropical streams: functional and trophic diversity of the Lacantún River, Mexico | Aquatic ecology | Aquatic insects Functional feeding groups Headwater streams | Ver | Daniela Cortés‑Guzmán, Javier Alcocer, Kenneth W. Cummins | 24-May-21 |
David Ávalos Cueva | The level variability, thermal structure and currents in Lake Chapala, Mexico. | Limnología Física | level variability stratification current measurements | Ver | Avalos-Cueva, D., Filonov, A., Tereshchenko, I., Monzón, C., Pantoja-González, D., & Velázquez-Muñoz, F. (2016). | 2016 |
David Ávalos Cueva | Thermal structure and circulation in Lake Chapala, Mexico. | Limnología Física | HAMSOM model current pattern water column stratification | Ver | Avalos-Cueva, D., Filonov, A., Tereshchenko, I., Monzón, C. O., & Velázquez-Muñoz, F. Á. | 2016 |
Diana Aguilera Rivera | Immune response of the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei previously reared in biofloc and after an infection assay with Vibrio harveyi | Enfermedades en acuacultura | biofloc immune system shrimp | Ver | Aguilera-Rivera D, Prieto-Davó A, Rodríguez-Fuentes G, Escalante-Herrera K, Guerra-Castro E, Hernández-López J, Chávez-Sánchez MC, Rodríguez-Canul R, Gaxiola G | 2018 |
Early Capistran Michel | Quantifying local ecological knowledge to model historical abundance of long-lived, heavily-exploited fauna | Ecología marina | Estudios interdisciplinarios Modelación ecológica Conocimiento ecológico local | Ver | Early-Capistrán, M.-M., Solana-Arellano, E., Abreu-Grobois, F. A., Narchi, N. E., Garibay-Melo, G., Seminoff, J. A., Koch, V., y Saenz-Arroyo, A. | Jul-05 |
Eden Magaña Gallegos | Nutritional Contribution of Biofloc within the Diet of Growout and Broodstock of Litopenaeus vannamei, Determined by Stable Isotopes and Fatty Acids | Biología marina | Biofloc broodstock multiphasic diet | Ver | Eden Magaña-Gallegos, Rodrigo González-Zúñiga, Gerard Cuzon, Miguel Arevalo, Eduardo Pacheco, Manuel Valenzuela, Elisa Chan-Vivas, Korinthia López-Aguiar, Elsa Noreña-Barroso, Gabriela Gaxiola | 25 de febrero de 2018 |
Edgar García Garnica | Hyperthermal events recorded in the Palaeogene carbonate sequuence of southern Gulf of Mexico-Santa Elena Borehole, Yucatan Peninsula. | Paleoceanografía | Chicxulub impact crater PETM ETM-2 | Ver | García-Garnica, E. M., & Pérez-Cruz, L. | Septiembre de 2021 |
Elena Montoliu | Using DNA barcodes to detect non-indigenous species: the case of the Asian copepod Mesocyclops pehpeiensis Hu, 1943 (Cyclopidae) in two regions of the world. | Taxonomía integrativa | Ver | Montoliu, L., Elías-Gutiérrez, M., and Miracle Solé, M.R. | 7-Jul-05 | |
Fernando Bautista | Ciliate food vacuole content and bacterial community composition in the warm-monomictic crater Lake Alchichica, México | Ecología Microbiana Acuática | CARD-FISH Selective predation Oxygen gradient | Ver | Fernando Bautista-Reyes, Miroslav Macek | 2012 |
Giulia del Vecchio | Effect of starvation on survival and biochemical profile of newborn juvenile lined seahorses, Hippocampus erectus (Perry, 1810). | fisiologia animal | biochemical profile Hippocampus erectus juvenile seahorses | Ver | Giulia Del Vecchio,Francisco Otero-Ferrer,Cristina Pascual,Carlos Rosas,Nuno Simoes,Maite Mascaró | 23 September 2019 |
Ibarra Morales Diana | Bulk Deposition and Main Ionic Composition in a Remote Tropical Region: Nevado de Toluca, Mexico | Ciencias ambientales | Acid precipitation Highmountain Alpine Bulk deposition | Ver | Diana Ibarra-Morales, Javier Alcocer, Luis A. Oseguera & Rodolfo Sosa-Echeverría | 28 de Julio de 2020 |
Jorge Ontiveros | Trace element fluxes and natural potential risks from 210Pb-dated sediment cores in lacustrine environments at the Central Mexican Plateau | Geoquímica | Trace metals Natural radionuclides Central Mexican Plateau | Ver | J.F. Ontiveros-Cuadras, A.C. Ruiz-Fernández b, J.A. Sanchez-Cabeza, L.H. Pérez-Bernal, J.L. Sericano, M. Preda, L. Liong Wee Kwong, F. Páez-Osuna | 6-Jul-05 |
José Luis Sánchez Salgado | Characterization of a lectin from the craysfish Cherax quadricarinatus hemolymph and its effect on hemocytes | Agricultura, silvicultura, pesca | Cherax innate immunity lectin receptor | Ver | J.L. Sanchez-Salgado M.A. Pereyra, O. Vivanco-Rojas, C. Sierra-Castillo,J.J. Alpuche-Osorno, E. Zenteno, C. Agundis | Jul-05 |
José Miguel Rangel Morales | Regional philopatry of scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) to nursery areas in the Mexican Pacific | Genética de poblaciones | Gene diversity Site fidelity Mitochondrial genome | Ver | RANGEL-MORALES JOSÉ MIGUEL, ROSALES-LÓPEZ LORAY PAULINA, DÍAZ-JAIMES PÍNDARO, AMEZCUA-MARTÍNEZ FELIPE, KETCHUM-MEJIA JAMES, HOYOS-PADILLA MAURICIO y CORGOS ANTONIO | May-22 |
Lilia Catherine Soler Jiménez | Euryhaliotrematoides mehen n. sp. (Dactylogyridae) from the gills of the spotted rose snapper, Lutjanus guttatus (Lutjanidae; Perciformes) | Taxonomia de parásitos | Diversidad Monogeneos Lutjanidos | Ver | Soler-Jiménez L.C., García-Gasca A. and E. Fajer-Ávila | 2012 |
Lilia Catherine Soler Jiménez | The microecology of dactylogyrids (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) on the gills of the wild spotted rose snapper Lutjanus guttatus (Lutjanidae) from Mazatlan Bay, Mexico | Ecologia de parásitos | Microhabitat Distribución Monogeneos | Ver | Soler-Jiménez L. and E. Fajer-Ávila | 2012 |
Luis Enrique Angeles González | Using realized thermal niche to validate thermal preferences from laboratory studies. How do they stand? | Biologia marina | Crustacean Fish Local adaptation | Ver | Luis Enrique Ángeles-Gonzáleza, Enrique Martínez-Meyer, Carlos Yañez-Arenas, Iván Velázquez-Abunader, Adriana Garcia-Ruedaa, Fernando Díaz, Nelly Tremblay, Marco Antonio Flores-Rivero, Paulina Gebauer, Carlos Rosas | 17-Jul-20 |
Luis Enrique Angeles González | Exploring the effects of warming seas by using the optimal and pejus temperatures of the embryo of three Octopoda species in the Gulf of Mexico | Biologia marina | Thermal preference Thermal optimum Pejus temperature | Ver | Luis Enrique Angeles-Gonzalez, Françoise D. Lima, Claudia Caamal-Monsreal, Fernando Díaz, Carlos Rosas | |
Magdalena Bergés Tiznado | Mercury and selenium in muscle and target organs of Scalloped Hammerhead shark Sphyrna lewini of the SE Gulf of California: Dietary intake, molar ratios, loads and human health risks | Geoquímica/análisis de metales traza | Ver | Bergés-Tiznado ME, Márquez-Farías F, Lara-Mendoza R, Torres-Rojas Y, Galván-Magaña F, Bojórquez-Leyva H, Páez-Osuna F | 2015 | |
Marcela Fregoso | Assessment of nutrient contamination in the waters of the El Fuerte River, southern Gulf of California, Mexico. | Ciencias de la Tierra | Water quality Nutrient stoichiometry Eutrophication | Ver | Fregoso-López, M.G., Armienta-Hernández, M.A., Alarcón-Silvas, S.G., Ramírez-Rochín, J., Fierro-Sañudo, J.F., Páez-Osuna, F. | Jul-05 |
Marco Antonio Jiménez Santos | Temperature-dependent demographic differences in sessile rotifers of the genus Limnias (Rotifera: Gnesiotrocha) | Ecología experimental | Morphotypes Ramsar site Temperature dependent | Ver | Jiménez-Santos M. A., Sarma S. S. S., Nandini S. | 11-Jul-05 |
Mariel Barjau Aguilar | Nitrogen and Phosphorous Retention in Tropical Eutrophic Reservoirs with Water Level Fluctuations: A Case Study Using Mass Balances on a Long-Term Series | Biogeoquímica acuática | Nitrogen sink sedimentation nitrogen fixation | Ver | Mariel Barjau-Aguilar 1, Martín Merino-Ibarra2*, Jorge A Ramírez-Zierold3, Sergio F Castillo-Sandoval2, Gloria Vilaclara-Fatjó4, Andrea P Guzmán-Arias1, Miroslav Macek4, Rocío J Alcántara-Hernández5, Salvador Sánchez-Carrillo6, Patricia M Valdespino-Castillo7, Arantxa Sacristán-Ramírez8, José G Quintanilla-Terminel1 , Emiliano Monroy-Ríos1, Julio Díaz-Valenzuela1, Julio A Lestayo-González1, Oscar A Gerardo-Nieto2, Roberto González- De Zayas8 | Jul-22 |
Mayla Ramos Vázquez | Sediment chemistry and detrital zircon record in the Bosque and Paseo del Mar coastal areas from the southwestern Gulf of Mexico | Geoquimica y datacion de sedimentos costeros | REE patterns U–Pb geochronology Zircon chemistry | Ver | Mayla A. Ramos-Vázquez1 and John S. Armstrong-Altrin2* | Jul-05 |
Mayla Ramos Vázquez | Foraminiferal assemblages, 14C ages, and compositional variations in two sediment cores in the western Gulf of Mexico | Deep-sea sediments | Depositional environment Weathering Provenance, tectonic settings | Ver | Mayla A. Ramos-Vázquez1 and John S. Armstrong-Altrin2* Mayla A. Ramos-VázquezJohn S. Armstrong-AltrinMaría L. Machain-CastilloFrank R. Gío-Argáe | Jul-05 |
Medina Valmaseda Alexis E. | The role of geomorphic zonation in long-term changes in coral-community structure on a Caribbean fringing reef | bio geomorfología | coral reefs biotic homogenization reef-building corals | Ver | Alexis Enrique Medina Valmaseda, Rosa E Rodríguez Martínez, Lorenzo Álvarez Filip, Erick Jordán Dahlgren, Paul Blanchon | Oct-20 |
Miguel Ängel Díaz Flores | Origen y evolución del giro ciclónico de la Bahía de Campeche, Golfo de México | Biología Marina y Oceanografía | Circulación Bahía de Campeche | Ver | Díaz Flores M. Á., Salas de León, D.A., Monreal- Gómez M.A. | 2018 |
Nataly Bolaño Martínez | The mitochondrial genome of the hammerhead Sphyrna zygaena | Genética | Elasmobranchs mitogenome Sphyrna zygaena | Ver | Nataly Bolaño-Martínez, Natalia Bayona-Vasquez, Manuel Uribe-Alcocer, Píndaro Díaz-Jaimes | Jul-05 |
Nataly Bolaño Martínez | Population genetic divergence as consequence of past range expansion of the smooth hammerhead shark Sphyrna zygaena | Génetica de la conservación | Phylogeography Gene flow Dispersal | Ver | Nataly Bolaño-Martínez, Sebastián Hernández-Muñoz, Manuel Uribe-Alcocer, Felipe Galván-Magaña, Peter A. Ritchie, Francisco Javier García-De León, Píndaro Díaz-Jaimes | Jul-05 |
Ramón Vázquez Elizondo | Coralline algal physiology is more adversely affected by elevated temperature than reduced pH | cambio climático, ecofisiología | coralline algae ocean acidification temperature | Ver | Vásquez-Elizondo RM, Enríquez S. | 2016 |
Raúl Cruz Gómez | Remote sensing observations of the coherent and non-coherent ring structures in the vicinity of Lesser Antilles | Oceanografía Física | Eddies and mesoscale processes | Ver | R. C. Cruz-Gómez and S. N. Bulgakov | 8 de Marzo 2007 |
Rojo Garibai Berenice | Chaos and periodicities in a climatic time series of the Iberian Margin | Chaos dynamic | Chaos Climatic time series Iberian Margin | Ver | Rojo-Garibaldi Berenice, David Alberto Salas-de-León, María Adela Monreal-Gómez, Simone Giannerini and Julyan H. E. Cartwrigth | 2020 |
Timm Scheufen | Seasonal variation modulates coral sensibility to heat-stress and explains annual changes in coral productivity | Arrecifes coralinos | Corales Photosynthesis Seasonal variation | Ver | Tim Scheufen, Wiebke E. Krämer, Roberto Iglesias-Prieto & Susana Enríquez | 10 Julio 2017 |
Torres Hernández Eloísa | Independent evolutionary lineage of the clingfish Gobiesox adustus (Gobiesocidae) from Isla del Coco, Costa Rica | Genética y evolución | Clingfish Cryptobenthic Ocean Island | Ver | Torres-Hernández, E., Betancourt-Resendes, I., Angulo, A., Robertson, D.R., Barraza, E., Espinoza, E. Díaz-Jaimes, P., Domínguez-Domínguez, O. | 24 de marzo de 2020 |
Valencia Castañeda Gladys | Comparison of four treatments to evaluate acute toxicity of nitrite in shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae: influence of feeding and the renewal water | Toxicología acuática | Acute toxicity Nitrite Shrimp | Ver | Valencia-Castañeda, G., Vanegas-Pérez, R.C., Frías- Espericueta, M.G., Chávez-Sánchez, M.C., Ramírez-Rochin, J., Páez- Osuna, F. | 21-Dec-17 |